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Marsh Fen & Town Sidebar - "Life of a Fenman"


Every so often I will share bits from my notes and research that did not make it into my book "Marsh Fen and Town South Lincolnshire and Beyond.

LIFE OF A FENMAN by Mr J J Colman M.P. v.1780

Born in a 'coy, and bred in a mill,

Taught water to grind, and ducks for to kill;

Seeing coots clapper claw, lying flat on their backs,

Standing upright to row, and crowning of jacks;

Laying spring nets to catch Ruff and Reeve,

Stretched out in a boat with a shade to deceive.

Taking geese, ducks and coots, with nets upon stakes,

Riding in a calm day for to catch moulted drakes;

Gathering eggs to the top of one's wish,

Cutting tracks in the flags for decoying of fish.

Seeing Rudds run in shoals 'bout the side of Gill sike,

Being dreadfully venom'd by rolling in slake;

Looking hingles, and sprinks, trammels, hoop-nets, and teamings,

Few persons I think can explain all their meanings."


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