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Freiston - the forgotten resort of the Wash Part 2


What made Freiston Shore so popular? If we look at the various activities there are a few factors that may have influenced this, but they are not infinite and the reader may consider others:

The wealth of Boston – the Napoleonic Wars pushed trade away from the ports facing France and made more northern ports on the East coast attractive to merchants. Even during periods of blockades old trading allegiances survived. Boston had also had a history of being immigrant friendly and as a sanctuary that quickly allowed those that made it a home to make good livings and add to their own and the region’s wealth. Hence we see this description of Freiston shore in 1836:

“……Freiston Shore, where there are two good inns and lodging-houses for the reception of visitors, who resort to this place during the summer months for the purpose of sea-bathing. Freiston Shore is also much visited by the inhabitants of Boston, being a convenient distance from that town, and affording a pleasant relaxation from the fatigues of business.”

Business was strong in Boston.

Good roads – or I should say relatively good roads. The legacy of priories is that established interconnecting trade routes had been established which were then built upon and maintained with varying degrees over time. This established accessibility to what would otherwise have been a remote corner of The Wash.

Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions – by the 18th century agriculture was fast becoming an industry that was exploiting new techniques, science and technology. This brought great wealth to an area that had historically benefitted from the production and trade of agricultural wares. This wealth was well distributed amongst the middle classes and enabled social mobility. The Plummer family are a fine example where wealth from farming not only paid for church windows, but enabled the investment and development of what was to become Plummers Hotel, and similarly the surrounding facilities.

Growth of Horse Racing – horse racing grew as increased wealth, increased availability of newspapers, increased literacy all helped it grow as a commercialised leisure. Horse racing changed from being a local sport where local farmers would pit their horses and employees against each other for fun and status to one where the newly rich and well-to-do developed it into a national sport enlarged by wealth and social status.  This meant that we saw a new snobbery, even at this Lincolnshire resort  hence we see this comment on a visitor in Lincolnshire Notes and Queries of 1842: “……..the respectable visitors at Freiston Shore shunned him because of his shabby appearance, which I must confess I did not think very prepossessing – boots without stockings.”

The commercialisation of leisure stretched to other activities: game shooting, hare coursing, cricket, boat racing, and local bands – all of which featured at different times at Freiston Shore.

Health – the growth of belief, led by publications from doctors and surgeons,  that sea water and sea air had therapeutic qualities saw a growth in sea bathing, initially in the warmer waters of the south coast of Britain in the early 18th century with the sea bathing houses reaching Freiston in the later part of the century. The same reasoning saw an expansion of health spas at certain Springs, the Baths at Bath grew in popularity in Georgian times and in Lincolnshire we saw the development and growth of Woodhall Spa.

This piece from the 1840’s extolled its curative powers:

“Freiston Shore has not much to boast of in the way of scenery, yet according to the late Dr. Snaith, than who no one was better qualified to give a reliable opinion, it ranks higin the sanitary point of view. The Doctor had the idea that it was the mud that had this curative power, and if half is true that is said about ozone, it appears very feasible that the debris washed down from the uplands by the Witham will naturally retain some of this ozone, and yield up some of its treasures to the atmosphere when the tides ebb.”


Kelly’s Directory of 1868 describes Freiston Shore as, “a bathing place, much frequented by invalids.”

Lack of competition – until the railways came in the nineteenth century Skegness and Hunstanton were not competitive as resorts.

So we see an unlikely a place as Freiston Shore develop as a resort.

We first see the Plummer family entering the Coach House/Coach and Horses in 1798. Certainly by the 1820’s it was known as Plummers Hotel.  But its name and occupancy changed over the years with it passing in and out of the Plummer’s hands before reverting back to them. They were farmers at Crane End near Freiston Shore. Two significant hotels sprang up Plummers Hotel was the larger of the two at its peak having 71 bedsplus stables. It enjoyed sea views and a bridge that crossed straight from the hotel to the sea wall. The smaller hotel was The Mariners View/ Marine Hotel that had 48 beds at its peak and enjoyed  sea views and originally had two bridges that went straight from the hotel onto the sea wall. It had expanded over the years. When I first saw these in the 1970’s both premises were in sad state of repair and the Marine Hotel has not survived, whereby Plummers has been developed and looks rather fine nowadays. Names of the various buildings changed over the years.

 Living and working close to the sea wall can be tough as East coast storms can be brutal and unforgiving. This was the Plummer’s experience in 1810 when a storm crashed over the sea wall smashing in the bay window of their hotel in October 1810 and flooded the area. But further misfortune hit them the following month and highlights an unusual hazard from gathering sea coal. Coal on the foreshore all along the East coast was commonplace due to the large number of wrecks and the overloading of coal ships:

“ In our paper of the 16th we noticed the damage which the Hotel at Freiston Shore had sustained during the late storm. For two days the situation of Mr. Plummer and his family was truly deplorable, from the damp and cold produced by the surrounding inundation. Soon after the water had subsided enough to permit a fire being made in one of the rooms, a melancholy accident occurred to Mr Plummer. Among the fuel which had been placed on the fire, was a tin cartridge for a cannon, supposed to have belonged to a vessel cast on the shore, and to have lodged in the coal heap; the shock produced by the explosion did considerable injury to the house, but upon Mr. Plummer its effects were most lamentable; for while sitting by the fire, he was instantly blinded, and had his face dreadfully lacerated by the coals from the grate. By surgical skill the unfortunate man has recovered the sight of one eye; but there is no hope of his ever being able to see with the other.” [i]

The resort of Freiston and especially the horse racing attracted a wide section of society including crooks and con men. In 1815 Mr Plummer was swindled with non-payment by a conman “….Captain Verity travelled in style with a livery servant.” He was not the only hotelier swindled by the fake Captain Verity with other accounts found across the country.

Horse racing meetings grew in popularity at Freiston shore from 1798 through to 1846 by which time the number of races per annum had fallen from their peak in the 1830’s when there was four meetings a year, some of them lasting two days over the summer with at least one of them having a large “Sand Fair”.

Silting up of the foreshore and the natural formation of saltmarsh saw a deterioration of the quality of the sand for racing and into the 1840’s the meetings became prone to cancellation or reduction in the number of races. Hence the wording of this article in 1841:

“Freiston Shore Races. These races came off on Friday last. There was a great number of spectators; the day was fine and the sport excellent, the sands being perfectly dry and firm. The Boston Victoria Band was engaged, which added to the amusement.”[ii]

The following note signifies the deterioration of the site that was not helped by the weather before this meeting in June 1844:

“Races Freiston Shore near Boston. These races came off upon the beach on Tuesday afternoon last, and, in consequence of the heavy rain which continued to fall during the day, the sands were in bad condition.”[iii]

August 1846 saw a tragic occurrence at the race meeting which was delayed following the drowning of two jockeys:

“Two gentleman, part of a company of four who went into the sea to bathe at Freiston Shore, Lincolnshire, incautiously ventured so far out that they got into a deep creek, where they perished.”[iv]


It  has seldom fallen to our lot to record a more melancholy event than that which we are now called upon to narrate – and event which has cast the mantle of mourning over several respectable families, and thrown a degree of gloom over the whole neighbourhood. Freiston Shore races having been appointed to take place on Monday, several gentlemen attached to the sports, or purporting to take part in them, had arrived some days since in Boston or at the Shore for training or practice. Among these were Mr. John Spriggs, of Cottesmore Lodge, Mr. John Jones, son of Mr. Jones M.D., St George’s Square, Stamford, Mr. Thos. Hy. Smith, of Stamford, son of Mr. Smith, timber merchant, Spalding and Mr. John Chambers, landlord of The Seven Stars Inn, Stamford. Mr. Spriggs had a horse or two entered for the sport, and Mr. Chambers had engaged to ride Mr. Smith’s mare Cassandra, which ran at the late Holbeach races. On Sunday morning, about 10 o’clock, these four gentlemen, having breakfasted at Mr. Plummer’s Victoria Hotel, agreed to partake the luxury of sea bathing; they procured a bathing-machine and a boy to drive them, and proceeded over the sands towards ‘The Lows’, a distance (as the tide was then down)  of about a mile-and-a-half. The machine here stopped, the boy declined to cross a creek over which he said the rising tide would render his return very difficult, and he also cautioned the gentlemen not to venture too far. For about an hour they remained in the shallow water, gradually wandering towards the channel, to a distance of upwards of half a mile from where they had left their conveyance. Being unacquainted with the danger of their path, they came from a depth of two or three feet, to the west bank of ‘The Lows’, suddenly into upwards of twenty feet of water, the side being nearly precipitous. Mr. Jones was swimming some yards in advance of the others with a view of reaching the mouth of ‘The Lows’, when, feeling fatigued, he endeavoured to place his feet on the ground, and to his exceeding horror discovered that the water was considerably beyond his depth; upon rising to the surface, it immediately occurred to him that Mr. Smith could not swim, and as soon as he could find breath Mr. Jones called to him, ‘For God’s sake come no farther, or you will be drowned.’ But whether that exclamation ever reached Mr. Smith is a matter of doubt, for in all probability he was then beyond the reach of all human assistance – his feet only could be seen, and he sunk to rise no more. On hearing Mr. Chambers call out for help, Mr. Spriggs hastened towards him, and endeavoured to save him, but in vain; having been twice nearly involved in destruction, in consequence of the desperate hold of the drowning man, Mr. Spriggs was obliged reluctantly to abandon him to his fate, and after a few struggles Chambers also sunk. Faint with terror and exhaustion, Messrs. Jones and Spriggs now made towards the bathing-machine, but the tide had so much deepened the creek that they were compelled to signal to a boat belonging to one of the fishing smacks, in which they were at length conveyed to a place of safety. The boat then returned to the deplorable accident, and in less than an hour succeeded in recovering the body of Mr. Chambers: it is needless to say that life was quite extinct. The body was conveyed to the Victoria, and Mr. Plummer, with the utmost alacrity, dispatched several men to endeavour to recover the other victim. Their search was for some hours in vain, until at last, about half past four o’clock, on the receding tide, the body of Mr. Smith was discovered, sadly mutilated, on the sands, by some lads who were bathing near the spot, and being conveyed to the inn, was deposited in melancholy repose by the side of the companion with whom, so few hours before, he had quitted the house, full of health and spirits, strong in hope, and with every prospect of a long and happy life before them. Terrible was the warning here given of the uncertainty of human life, and heart-rending the commentary on the text that ‘in the midst of life we are in death.’ It seems Mr. Smith could not swim at all; his companions could swim tolerably – Mr. Chambers exceedingly well; so that his sudden death can only be attributed to that fatal visiter, the cramp. Or to a prostration of the nervous system consequent upon witnessing the death of his friend – no unusual effect of sudden fright in any situation. Mr. Jones immediately he had recovered from his exhaustion, set off for Boston, and thence to Spalding, to convey the melancholy intelligence to the father, Mr. Smith, that his only and beloved son was lost to him for ever; and thence on to Stamford to break the fatal news to Mrs. Chambers, a new-made widow, and her five desolate orphans. It is painful to dwell on the picture of grief, which no pen can portray, and no consolation assuage. It is, however, only an act of justice to state that no blame whatever can attach to the boy who drove the bathing-machine, - that he conveyed the party to the spot customarily frequented by bathers, - and that every attention that humanity could suggest was paid by Mr. Plummer both to the unconscious victims and to the afflicted survivors.

An inquest was held on the bodies on Monday, at the Victoria Hotel, Freiston Shore, before Mr. C. Mastin, gent., coroner, when the following evidence was taken:

Mr. John Spriggs stated that yesterday (Sunday the 2nd August) he went, in company with the two deceased, from the Victoria Hotel, Freiston Shore, to nathe; it was about ten o’clock in the morning; they went along the sands until the man who drove the bathing-machine refused to go any farther; they therefore all got out, and went into the water; they walked down the sands as far as the beacons at the entrance of the Low; the two deceased were dashing about in the water for some time, and then kept going forward till they got to some distance; the tide was running in; witness did not go forward with the deceased; Chambers could swim, but Smith could not. After they had been in the water some time, witness saw Chambers swimming towards him, and he called out, “I think Tom Smith’s drowning.” About two minutes afterwards poor Chambers called out for assistance; and witness, thinking he was exhausted, immediately swam towards him and took hold of his hand; the wind was blowing very strong, and the waves dashed in their faces; witness became exhausted, and drifted a little from him, but after resting a short period he saw Chambers buffeting with the waves and a second time went to his assistance, but the wind blew the water so strong in his face that he could not swim, and was again obliged to leave Chambers, which he had a great difficulty in effecting, as the poor man frequently grasped at witness, and if he had succeeded in getting hold in all probability would have drowned him also. Mr. Jones, another of the party, did not go so far out as the rest, but stood on an elevation near the beacons. Witness got to a steep, Chambers was a few yards off; as the tide came up there was a great eddy or whirlpool where they were bathing, and in which Chambers went down. Witness had known both the deceased for several years.

John Lawson, ostler to the hotel, took the party in the bathing-machine, as far as the Low; the two deceased wished him to go across, but he refused, and told them that they had much better not go forward, as there was great danger in getting back; they went forward about half-a-mile, and first went over the ‘high hill’ toward the channel, but instead of returning the same way, the unfortunately got to the Low End, a very dangerous place, and lost their lives.

Wm. Atchinson, one of the boatmen who picked up the bodies, and to whom greatest credit is due for his humanity and bravery in his attempt to save the unfortunate deceased, stated that he and David Dickinson were sitting on the seat at the front of Mr. Baker’s house (the Marine Hotel) , on the sea bank, and saw the party go to bathe; they continued to watch them and thought two of them were in danger of being drowned  and went down to their assistance; the two gentlemen who were saved would have been drowned also, but for the assistance of the witness and his companion, s they put them across the Low and then went in search of the two who were missing. Witness considered it to be a very dangerous spot, and he had himself a few years ago saved three persons from drowning at that place, but who in return, when informed of their danger, had only laughed at him. Witness picked up the body of Chambers about an hour after he went down; he was in about three feet of water, and had come in nearer by 200 or 300 yards. The body of Mr. Smith was found about four o’clock, when the tide had receded, and was brought to the hotel, and laid by the side of his unfortunate companion.

This being all the evidence necessary, the Jury, without the least hesitation, returned the following verdict: ‘That the said John Chambers and Thomas Henry Smith, on the 2nd day of August 1846, in the parish of Freiston in the county of Lincoln, having gone into a certain navigable arm of the sea, called or known by the name Clay-hole, to bathe or wash themselves, it so happened that they got out of or beyond their depth, and were then suffocated and drowned.”

Immediately after the inquest, the bodies of the sufferers were removed by their friends for interment in their own neighbourhood.

Mr Chambers was interred on Wednesday, and we believe the funeral of Mr. Smith will take place at Spalding this day.

Throughout the greater part of Monday, an immense number of persons, some from a considerable distance, arrived at Freiston to attend the races, being of course unaware of the melancholy necessity of their postponement.”[v]

The above article from The Lincolnshire Chronicle gives a great insight into the nature of the bathing machines. It also has to be noted the speed at which the coroner acted. The coroner’s inquest with a Jury used to be more common place certainly up to the 1970’s. In Spalding, coroner’s inquests were typically held on a Thursday afternoon and the local police would go around recruiting shop keepers for this duty knowing that it was their half day closing. As a result my father attended several coroner’s inquests as a juror for a variety of deaths by misadventure including road accidents, crashed light aircraft, and sudden death of a witness being questioned by local police. They were given a small fee in cash for attending to this duty which duly got placed in the Police Benevolent Fund collecting tin conveniently placed and sometimes shaken adjacent to the clerk paying them.

After 1847 their appears to have been a decline in interest in horse racing, although meetings were still held. Certainly the sands were reducing in size as they transformed into Marsh. Freiston Shore did retain its attraction as a resort and was still very popular. There were still annual Sand Fairs  each summer. 1848 saw the arrival of the Railway to Boston and this gave the resort a boost as we see investment in a horse drawn omnibus to take people from the Railway Station and the White Hart Hotel near Bridge End in Boston to Freiston Shore.[vi] Other activities grew in interest with a cricket match held at Freiston Shore in 1857. There was also a growth in organised hare coursing in this period with several meets held at Freiston Shore providing a useful income outside the summer season. 

There was also a series of boating regattas and boat races:

1874 saw Hunstanton Yacht Club race starting off Freiston Shore, out to The Deeps and a navigation buoy and back again.[vii]

July 1879 saw the Fishermen’s Regatta which included racing and the pleasure cruising past the increasing number of larger Steam Ships that visited Boston Deeps and anchored their unable to advance up The Haven to be serviced by barges due to their increasing size. Hence we see the comment, “Not the least pleasing part of the day’s pleasure was the stay alongside the foreign barques.”[viii]

If an unusual ship entered the Deeps it was common for enterprising fishermen to run sightseeing trips out to the vessel whilst it was moored.

July 1891 saw The Spalding Regatta that consisted of six racing events of yachts, smacks, and decked boat races. 

In 1887 we see the beginnings of competition from the far side of the Wash at Hunstanton with the steamer Mayflower running summer excursions from Boston to Hunstanton. Similarly 1873 saw Skegness gain its railway line which opened it up to tourists from the Midlands. Skegness had once been a resort of equal size to Freiston Shore, but no longer was Skegness regarded as an inferior resort, “a vile and shabby bathing place”.[ix]

Horse racing had declined at Freiston Shore in part due to the decline in the quality of the sand, but also the 1880’s saw an agricultural recession and farmers, especially in southern Lincolnshire, were hit hard financially as cheap corn flooded into the country from America and Canada as they opened up huge areas of farmland and quickly adopted modern methods at scale. However, in 1887, Mr Plummer sought to recapture and rejuvenate interest in horse racing and Sand Fair at Freiston Shore by using land to the South of the old site as he had the only surviving Hotel. This was promoted in local press albeit with some artistic licence by the journalist concerned:

“ Fifty years ago when Freiston Shore was the most fashionable resort on the Lincolnshire coast horse racing on the sands was one of the popular diversions of the season. The meeting was well supported, a good class of horses was always entered, and the sport generally speaking, very good. The meeting was abandoned over forty years ago, mainly because two jockeys had the misfortune to be drowned whilst bathing on the Sunday preceding the day fixed for the races. Since then the sea has gradually receded, the distance now between the bank and the water when the tide is down being fully two miles. As the process of recession has gone on, the sandy beach on which the races used to take place has gradually disappeared under a coating of mud towards the water, and of a broad expanse of salt marsh, which will be ready for enclosure in a few years, towards the bank. It will strike some therefore a little odd that steps are being taken to revive the races. Yet such is actually the case. Money is being subscribed for prizes, and Thursday in next week is fixed for the races. The course will be on a grass covered part of the foreshore, immediately by the side of the bank. The event is exciting some interest in Boston and its vicinity, and if the weather prove fine there will no doubt be a large gathering to witness the sport.

Sea bathing at Freiston Shore lasted for something over a century. The two main hotels were built just after the middle of the 18th century. In 1845 the proprietor of the Marine Hotel, John Baker, advertised Hot and Cold Baths and Bathing Machines always in readiness. Liquors of the best quality, and wines of superior vintage. Stabling for upwards of 100 horses. From the 1840’s to 1870’s there was an annual Sand Fair in June or July, with horses and pony races, amusements and a quadrille band. Today the Marine is a forlorn shell and the saltmarsh where the sand fair was held has been reclaimed.”[x]

The event was a local success with an estimated 2000 persons present from Boston and the surrounding area. The weather was good, but sadly the first of the four races saw Mr. Oliver’s horse, Lively Lady, fall and break its foreleg which resulted in it being shot. A collection totalling £5 was made for the unfortunate Mr. Oliver. National press was less complimentary about this event:

“Some hundreds of spectators  visited Freiston Shore  fair and races. The sport was confined to a few local nags, and the amount of the various stakes was not heavy.”[xi]

This local fair and racing was continued for a few years after and at least until 1890 in the same format.

As horse racing and bathing declined on Freiston Shore the declining fortunes of the area had a boost from the growth in the recreational sport of wildfowling popularised by the writings of Sir Ralph Payne Galwey and others in the late nineteenth century. This sees adverts for shotgun cartridges targeted at wildfowlers visiting The Marine Hotel at Freiston Shore.

Sadly wildfowling saw the notorious creek known as “the Low” claim another victim between Christmas and New Year in 1891:

“Drowned at Freiston Shore: On Sunday night a death from drowning occurred under very painful circumstances. An inquest was held on Tuesday, by Dr. Clegg on the body of Mr. David Noel Ricardo, aged 20, and the following evidence was taken: Mr. Harved Campbell Nelson deposed: I have recently been staying at Plummers Hotel with two friends, Mr. Algernon Stracey and the deceased Mr. Ricardo. We were on a pleasure excursion, shooting wildfowl at sea. On Saturday morning about 8 o’clock I left the hotel with Mr. Ricardo to go down in our gunning punts. Mr. Stracey did not accompany us. We reached the shore on our return about 5.30. It was nearly dark. We got on a bank and anchored the punts, intending to walk up. The water was fast rising, and flowing very strong, and we were soon surrounded. We tried to find our punts, but could not. We walked on in the direction of the hotel, and the water was above our waists. We fired off all our cartridges as signals of alarm, hoping that assistance would reach us. Then we came to a broad, deep creek, and I said, ‘We must swim’. Ricardo said, ‘Let us go back’. I said, ‘No, that is impossible: we must go on or lose our lives.’ We threw our guns away, and I got my heavy coat off. He did not take his coat off, and it would very much impede his swimming. I swam about 50 yards, and I was nearly exhausted when I felt the ground. It was then intensely dark. I could neither see nor hear anything of my friend. The last words I heard him say were, ‘Come back.’ I waited for some time and shouted,  and then made for the hotel to get assistance.  I returned to look for him with Mr. Stracey and others. – Mr. Algernon Stracey deposed: at about 6.30 I heard from the last witness what happened. I sent for men and lanterns, and we made what search we could. I went down the next morning with Mr. Nelson, the coastguard men, and others, and we found the body lying in the creek. Wm. H. Thomas, coastguardsman deposed: The body was lying face downwards. His gun was about 40 yards off, near the sea. The creek is called ‘The Low’, and there would be a depth of 12 feet of water where they crossed. The tide would be running very strong; it was high water at 8 o’clock. They could not escape having to cross ‘The Low’. There is a way round at low water, but it would be two miles round. After not being able to find the punts there was no means of avoiding the creek. The coroner said that Freiston was not considered a dangerous shore, and there was no record of any similar fatality having occurred in recent years. In future it would be advisable if strangers to the shore engaged a fisherman or some man of experience to accompany them in their boat, or to look out for them on their return at night. The jury (Mr. Thomas Bringeman, foreman) returned a verdict of ‘drowning through misadventure’ and expressed deep sympathy for Mr. Ricardo’s family.”[xii]

It is worthy of note the local presence on the Coast Guard at Freiston Shore to assist in finding the unfortunate Mr. Ricardo. The Coastguard had been formed in 1822, meaning as in 2022 they celebrated their bi-centenary,  and the earliest I have identified Coastguard being based at Freiston Shore is 1824, but it is highly likely, in my opinion, that they were present in one form or another many decades or even centuries before that. Boston had relied upon income from goods travelling through its local  coastal ports as well as its own port as a source of income to aid its growth for centuries. Certainly in the 18th century there was a revenue cutter that patrolled The Deeps and Freiston would be a good location to have based this.

The motto of the Coastguard today is “To search, to rescue, to save”. This motto hides its original purpose to act as a preventative force for smugglers. There secondary purpose at this time was to assist ships in danger, but also to ensure security of a shipwreck for the Crown or Receiver of Wrecks. During the various blockades of the British Isles from France and its varying allies smuggling was not pursued with vigour as it suited the powers in authority to have a means of procuring certain goods, including fine wines and brandy. However, as these conflicts subsided the need to ensure appropriate revenues were not avoided came to the fore. This resulted in various services amalgamating and the Coastguard service formed initially dominating the southern ports of England, this simply meant smugglers moved further up the East coast and the Coastguard service enlarged often by continuing its amalgamation with existing resources. Sometimes the Coastguard ensured local knowledge was procured “in case of need” by appointing honorary coastguards. I have met several people holding such a position, usually fishermen and retired pilots and lifeboatmen, but the most local example was the wildfowler, punt-gunner and farmer Laurence Thompson of Sutton Bridge. The lifesaving role of the Coastguard in the treacherous Wash would have been a primary concern in my opinion and there are numerous accounts of their assistance given from Freiston Shore.

a deliapidated hotel with abridge over the drain to the marsh
The Marine Hotel Freiston Shore

[i] Boston Guardian 10th November 1810

[ii] Lincolnshire Chronicle 17th September 1841

[iii] Lincolnshire Chronicle 28th June 1844

[iv] Liverpool Albion 10th August 1846

[v] Lincolnshire Chronicle August 7th 1846

[vi] Boston Guardian 1848

[vii] Boston Guardian July 1874

[viii] Boston Guardian July 1879

[ix] John Byng 1791

[x] Stamford Mercury 2nd September 1887

[xi] The Field September 1887

[xii] Stamford Mercury  January 2nd 1892


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