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Epilogue on Sarah Chandler


Sarah Chandler in gaol
Sketch of Sarah Chandler in gaol

As I researched and wrote this I couldn’t help but think this story is worthy of a theatrical drama, or a film, or even, as is the trend nowadays, a musical. I then fanticised, if it was a film who would I have play the different parts and came up with the following:

Sarah’s mother – Maxine Peake 

Sarah Chandler – Talitha Wing, I believe she can play the the part with attitude similar to her character in the Full Monty TV series and could play the older Sarah without a need for two actors such is her ability.

Thomas Chandler – Adam Woodyatt

Mr Kitchen the gangmaster.  – Danny Dyer

“Crocus Billy” – Edward Wellband  - Jimmi Harkishin

Mrs. Cotton – Tamsin Greig

Governor Bates – Rhys Ifans

The non-clerical magistrates Dr. A. Ball Esq. T Harrison Esq. C.S. Taylor Esq. – Mark Steel, Alexie Sayle, Bill Bailey

The Rev J.T. Dove – Simon Pegg

The Rev. J.C. Jones – David Tennant

The Rev. Mr. Canon Edward Moore. – Michael Sheen

The Politicians:

Charles Ritchie MP for Tower Hamlets -Tom Ellis

Richard Assheton Cross – Home Secretary – Nigel Havers

Who would you have play these parts?


I know many may disagree with the 51 reasons for Mark Steel to broadcast “In Town” in Spalding. But I deliberately chose items that people may not be aware of or only know a little about that are not obvious, or are unusual or simply just of interest to me.

There are , of course, many other things such as Spalding Gentlemen’s Society, or how Spalding had one of the last Shipwreck Societies, tales of Dancing Fred the town drunk who provided much entertainment in my youth performing Elvis songs whilst dressed in a kilt in the Birds, or Billy Gudrum a similar figure who would ride in circles in the middle of New Road on a Saturday shouting, "Paddy will get you", his humour not revealing the sad fact that it was the possibly the by-product of wartime service. The past market day tales of livestock escaping and being pushed by the local pharmacist out of his doorway.

If these sorts of tales are of interest you may find my writing on Marsh Fen and Town South Lincolnshire and Beyond of interest click on the button below to find out more.

I wanted to keep an element of fun and try and capture your and Mark Steel’s interest. Equally I did a mixture of short snippets and long articles with The Geranium Scandal warranting a major expose. Whether this succeeds or not is not for me to say. Of course, there is the ultimate irony, that whilst Spalding was my home for 50 years, and I return several times a year, in December 2022 I moved to Amble, Northumberland. Maybe I should try and get Mark to visit there, after all he’s been to a lot worse places to broadcast his show from Boston to Blyth. (tongue firmly in cheek); and Amble is "The Friendliest Port" and as a friend described to me, "Its got a castle an island and fishing boats like a proper seaside town."

Amble boardwalk
Amble boardwalk

Mock up of Mark Steel's in Spalding poster
Mark Steel Mock Up of Poster in Case He Ever Broadcasts his show.


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