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7. Spalding’s Last Duel of 1723


In 1723 a duel was fought in the White Hart yard, Spalding and Mr. William Emerson Lee received his death blow. He was picked up by Middleton Voss and lies buried in Spalding Parish Church Yard.

According to Robin Harmstone in 1846 the inscription on the gravestone read,

“A Skull and a Sword

Here lies a man of mickle fame

Who lived by the sword and prize

And died by the same.” [1]


Sketch of gravestone
Sketch of gravestone

In 1935 the burial place was identified as on the side of the church near to the door of St, Thomas’s Chapel (now stoned up) , but the stone was knocked down and re-erected on the south side of Spalding Parish Church and the fragment that remained was only about two feet high.[2]

[1] Notices of Remarkable Events and Curious Facts with Various Interesting Scraps – Robin Harmstone 1846

[2] The Standard 15th June 1935


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