In 1858 the town Improvement Commissioners broke up the Spalding Fire Brigade and formed a new one due to a disagreement between the men and their superintendent who, being an “old soldier”, was desirous of introducing a mode of discipline calculated to awaken the latent energies of the brigade and quicken their operations in case of fire. The men, however, had been accustomed to take matters very easy on practice days, and if no great defects were found in the engines etc. were content to pack all up again without going through the various evolutions sought to be introduced by the present superintendent; they therefore broke out into open mutiny, disobeyed his word of command, and many of the corps sent in their resignation to the commissioners, who considered there was no sufficient ground of complaint against the superintendent, and that his proposed practice was calculated to improve the efficiency of the brigade. The resignations were accordingly accepted, and notice issued for the formation of a new brigade, the members of the old one being eligible for re-election.[1]
[1] More Aspects of Spalding – MJ Elsden page 134